Dinner Last Night

Mini Eggplant Pizzas & Stuffed Mushrooms

* Makes enough for 2 (1 normal serving for a me and the rest for my husband Ben who has the appetite of an elephant)

2 eggplants
2 large cupped mushrooms
1 ball of mozzarella
1/4 cup cheddar cheese (or whatever cheese you like)
1 heaped tbsp parmesan cheese
Tomato puree (enough for a tablespoon for each piece of eggplant)
1 small onion
1 clove of garlic
1 bag of spinach
Bacon (as much as you want really, but for a minimum amount I would suggest at least 3 large pieces)
1 tbsp butter/margarine/olive spread
Sprinkle of basil
Sprinkle of mixed herbs
Pinch of salt
Couple of shakes of pepper


Preheat your oven to 150 Celsius (350 Fahrenheit, Gas Mark 4).
Cut your eggplant into round disks 1/2"- 1" thick and pop in the oven about 10-12 minutes (5-6 minutes each side).
While your eggplant is cooking make a start on the mushrooms. Start by scooping out all the bits of the mushroom thus creating a little bowl shape. Here's a pic so you can see what I mean.

Rub the butter all over the mushrooms and put to one side. 
By now its probably time to flip the eggplant!
Take the bacon and chop into little pieces. I think the easiest way to do this is to use kitchen scissors (regular sharp scissors will do just fine too). 
Pop the bacon in a frying pan and cook on a medium heat for about 2 minutes. Then add the spinach. You can add as much as you want. I added about 3/4 of a pack because of how much it shrinks when cooked. Once the spinach is added check the eggplant continue cooking the spinach for another 3 minutes or so. 
You can then put the eggplant and spinach and bacon mixture to one side. 
Now it time to finish the eggplant. Start by sprinkling a bit of salt and pepper on the eggplant. Then add a tbsp of tomato puree to each piece of eggplant spreading evenly as you go. 
Slice the onion, cut the tomatoes into small chunks and chop the garlic into fine pieces and sprinkle all over the eggplant. Sprinkle  the herbs and a pinch of salt and pepper.
Cut the mozzarella into small chunks and sprinkle on top of the eggplant and place back in the oven for 7-12 minutes (depending on your ovens personality) You want to see the cheese melted and hear things bubbling.
Now for the mushrooms! Take the spinach and bacon mixture and add the cheddar cheese and some pepper (you don't need salt because the bacon has plenty!) Toss around gently so it's mixed. Spoon the mix into the mushroom cups and sprinkle the parmesan cheese on top. Place the mushrooms in the oven for 7-12 (again depending on our trusty oven!) 

ENJOY!  :)

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