Cheap and Cheerful Bathroom Storage


Our bathroom is tiny, and when I say tiny I mean tiny. We really needed some sort of storage solution that wouldn't require drilling holes in the walls or a bulky storage unit at the back of the toilet. For a few days I didn't see an option that would not involve either of the two. One day while tidying around the house I decided to empty the bathroom. It was a perfect way to see the space uninterrupted and without visual distractions. And then it hit me...

On the inside of our shower we have one of those plastic containers with two suction cups securing it to the glass shower door. It cost me £0.65... Perfect! A few of the baskets could stick to the other side of the shower door in a vertical line. However, I don't like the idea of plastic containers in my bathroom. After a day or two of playing with a few ideas I thought why not wraps the baskets in twine?

After a few nights on the couch wrapping and gluing away, this is how they came out!

Stay tuned for the whole bathroom revamp! :)
What do you think? I love the twine. It sits in nicely with the theme of our home. Best of all it was so easy to make!

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