Cheap and Cheerful Bathroom Storage


Our bathroom is tiny, and when I say tiny I mean tiny. We really needed some sort of storage solution that wouldn't require drilling holes in the walls or a bulky storage unit at the back of the toilet. For a few days I didn't see an option that would not involve either of the two. One day while tidying around the house I decided to empty the bathroom. It was a perfect way to see the space uninterrupted and without visual distractions. And then it hit me...

On the inside of our shower we have one of those plastic containers with two suction cups securing it to the glass shower door. It cost me £0.65... Perfect! A few of the baskets could stick to the other side of the shower door in a vertical line. However, I don't like the idea of plastic containers in my bathroom. After a day or two of playing with a few ideas I thought why not wraps the baskets in twine?

After a few nights on the couch wrapping and gluing away, this is how they came out!

Stay tuned for the whole bathroom revamp! :)
What do you think? I love the twine. It sits in nicely with the theme of our home. Best of all it was so easy to make!

Simple and Delicious Granola Recipe

Let me just start by saying I absolutely love granola. You can experiment to create so many different flavours. My favourites always include loads of fruit, nuts, and of course chocolate. The best part is you can make a giant batch with a few different flavours going on and freeze them! This is a recipe I sort of made up from trying out copious amounts of granola recipes. You can swap everything around to really make the granola your own. You can make this recipe for delicious granola or simply use it as a guide for your own granola. 

2 cups oats
1tso cinnamon
1tsp salt
1/8 cup white sugar
1/8 cup brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract

1/8 cup honey
1/8 cup maple syrup
1/8 cup unsalted butter melted

1/3 cup raisins
1/3 cup dried cranberries/raspberries/cherries
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup almonds

Preheat the oven to 165C / 325F.
Combine the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another. (If you don't have unsalted butter handy, just use what you have and and don't add the teaspoon of salt.) Once they are well combined add the wet ingredients to the oat mixture. Spread the mixture on a baking tray lined with waxed paper. Using a potato masher or your finger tips firmly press the oats down. you want it nice and tight in the baking tray. Pop in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Once the granola is is done remove from the oven. You want to then flip the granola out of the baking tray before it cools (If you don't the wax paper will stick to the granola and it is impossible to get off). Then peel the wax paper off the granola slab and cut into bars. 
Delicious and Nutritious!

The Do's and Don'ts of Graphic Design.

Graphic design has become quite an up to the minute profession. With todays internet capabilities, the rapid growth of technology and image rendering programs the world of graphic design has become more accessible to those of us who have no training and/or background in design.

Fall 2012/ Winter 2013

Taking a look at some of the wonderful accessories at Elu for autumn and winter.          Click here to have a look at the full catalog!

A go-to list of everything you really need when cleaning your home.

A go-to list of everything you really need when cleaning your home. All those chemicals in the cleaning products at the shops are full of harmful chemicals. If we can’t put it on our skin, then why put it on the surfaces we eat off of, bath in, and sit/sleep on?

  • Soda bicarbonate
    • Such a great cleaner because it is so versatile. It can be used as a strong acidic cleaner that has abrasive qualities (great for scrubbing and cutting through the ick). It can also be used as a neutralising product, great for absorbing smells. Soda bicarbonate is perfect be used for cleaning rugs & carpets, absorbing odours in the fridge, cleaning sinks, the list can go on and on.
  • Vinegar
    • White vinegar can ve used to clean just about anything. Its strong acidic quality helps to break down grime and bacteria.​
  • Lemons
    • Squeeze lemon juice in your soapy water solutions. It helps cut through grease as well as provides a nice fresh lemony smell. You can also grate a few lemons and add the zest to baking soda. Its perfect for sprinkling all over your carpets and it will leave a nice fresh scent.
  • Essential oils
    • I always add a few drops of essential oils to my mop bucket when I mop the floors. The lovely scent of lily or jasmine smell wonderful. I also add it to my baking soda mixture when cleaning carpets or soft furnishings. I think I go a little crazy with essential oils. I put a few drops on anything and everything.​
  • Soap
    • The base to any cleaning solution. Whether your washing the dishes or cleaning the refrigerator, a few drops of soap in warm/hot water does wonders.
  • Bleach
    • Sometimes you just need the strong stuff.
  • Newspaper
    • An old trick but still works its magic. When cleaning your mirrors and glass use warm soapy water and dry/polish with newspaper.  I don’t know why it works but it always leaves a streak free shine.
Hand crafted ideas and accessories for your hand crafted life.